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Kids Bible School Online

Little Disciples Bible School serves to Nurture Confidence in God's Word and encourage more intentional study of the Scriptures. It is completely free and open to all. Each session consists of an interesting mix of Fun Quizzes, Breakout Groups, Presentations by Kids, and Discussions. Your child will be surprised at how interesting studying the Bible really is. 

Bible School Online

We are currently conducting our Live Sessions online. Interested in Live In-person Studies? We might be able to connect you with a study group near you.

This is Your Opportunity to engage your children in LIVE, INTERACTIVE Bible study that is sure to TRANSFORM their lives and prepare them to live and share the Gospel with Confidence.

Instructions to get started:

  1. Register.

  2. Complete the Online Bible Lessons

  3. Attend the Live, Interactive Bible School Sessions online, (Dates and times to be announced).


You may participate in the Online Bible School via video conferencing or by dialing in:

1. Join by Zoom Video Conferencing. This option allows your child to participate in the Online Bible School via video conference. He/She will also be able to comment during the lesson.

Instructions for Zoom

  • Download the Zoom app on your phone or computer by going to

  • After the Zoom app is installed, open the Zoom app.

  • Click on "Join Meeting"

  • Enter the meeting ID 508 608 718

  • Click "Join" and you will automatically be added to the meeting


2. Join by conference call. This option allows for you to call in just as you would to a conference call and comment when you desire at any time during the lesson. Your phone should remain on mute until you are ready to talk.


  • Call +16465588656,,508608718# and you will be immediately connected to the sabbath school conference call (you might want to save this full number to avoid manually entering the meeting id).

  • OR Call +16465588656 then enter the code 508 608 718


If you face any technical difficulties, please call or send a text message to Tim Greaves at 443-962-5238 or Gary Christie at 410-905-3115.

Meeting ID:508608718